Study in Iraq

Pharmacy Department

The Pharmacy Department seeks to be a center to develop outstanding characteristics and skills in the fields of higher education to serve the community healthily


Excellence in education, scientific research, innovation, and community service, by promoting the principles of scientific analysis and creative thinking in a stimulating academic environment, participating in the production, development, and dissemination of knowledge, and interacting with the local and international community. 


1. Strengthen scientific links and exchange experiences with local universities and scientific institutions and others.
2. Interaction with local, Arab, and other scientific experiences and experiences in the fields of thought and science.
3. Preparing university generations aware of their cultural heritage and their role in the reconstruction of man and society.
4. Preparing university generations capable of creativity, innovation, and self-learning.
5. Provide society with specialists and experts in pharmaceutical sciences, taking into account the evolving needs of the labor market, within the framework of the State's human resources development policy.
6. The continuous renewal of the educational process.

Department professors

   سندس صديق بكر 

استاذ دكتور

   مؤيد طاهر صفر 

   مدرس دكتور 

   علي خلف حوشي جبر 

   مدرس دكتور 

   مقداد عذاب موسى 

استاذ مساعد دكتور

هبة حسن روضان محمد

   مدرس مساعد 

ساجد حازم رشك الحيدري

   مدرس مساعد 

   محمد شاكر هاشم 

   مدرس مساعد 

نميرمحمد وداد شهاب

   مدرس مساعد 

   ميعاد علاء فاضل 

مدرس مساعد

   رغد كريم مسلم 

مدرس مساعد

   مريم حسن صنكور كاطع 

مدرس مساعد

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